~The first leaves have fallen on the grass.
~The weather is in the 70's - which is perfect for me!
~The stores are showing off their Autumn decorations (even some Christmas -shhh. I didn't say that) .
~Starting to dream about Thanksgiving Meal delights.
~There is that "baking is in the air" mood with friends here at home and with "blog friends".
~We've pulled out the lightweight jackets from their slumber.
~Looking forward to going on our annual country drive of the valley and into the mountains to view the splendor of the changing colors.
~Then there is hopes of going to the pumpkin patch and finding that perfect pumpkin...
~Hoping to visit a Bazaar or two.
~My kiddo's are eagerly anticipating more leaves falling down so that they can jump into "Mommy's leaves" as soon as she gets a nice big pile raked up. And then again rake up the same pile so that they can gleefully tear it down. Doing this again for 20 or more times. :)
~Last night, I made my husband some Rice Crispy treats. Puts a smile on his face every time.
~MMM... Maybe it's time to break out the hot chocolate or apple cider.
Welcome Autumn!
Oh, yes, apple cider. That's what I need.
I love all of these things, too, and am SO enjoying it. Though, we're in the 80's this week...don't think it will last much longer.
And, yes...I'm seeing Christmas decorations out in stores, too. HEEHEE. I say bring it on! I don't mind it at all!! :)
Mmmmm-- it is still getting warm in the afternoons here, but the nights are cool and the heat cannot last much longer-- bring on fall!!!!
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