Recently, I received an email from my friend and fellow co-worker at the crisis center I used to work at. She shared that a past client (who I will call Jesse) was trying to get in contact with me. Contact with Jesse has been sporadic over the last 3 years. She has always had a life of turmoil and of consequence.
Oddly, as I read the email from my friend, a growing panic swelled up in me. These were the thoughts that raced through my head:
"Who am I?", "What do I have to offer?", and "What could be going on in Jesse's life, now?"
Then came that steady, small voice, as the Lord spoke into my being...
"Be available, listen, love the least of these, and obey."
When talking and praying with Jesse on the phone, she again shared how much it meant to her to receive the friendship and kindness I gave to her, when she was my client. That in her life she hasn't had very many people show her respect. To go beyond my "job" requirements. She knows what that looks like, as so many other "workers" have come and gone in her life. She said that she often talks about me to "others". And that when she does think of me, it makes her smile and gives her hope.
I am so blessed to know that the hope she sees is - Jesus. And all He asks us to do is to be available. Be ready and willing as He calls us to love "the least of these..."
Then came that steady, small voice, as the Lord spoke into my being...
"Be available, listen, love the least of these, and obey."
When talking and praying with Jesse on the phone, she again shared how much it meant to her to receive the friendship and kindness I gave to her, when she was my client. That in her life she hasn't had very many people show her respect. To go beyond my "job" requirements. She knows what that looks like, as so many other "workers" have come and gone in her life. She said that she often talks about me to "others". And that when she does think of me, it makes her smile and gives her hope.
I am so blessed to know that the hope she sees is - Jesus. And all He asks us to do is to be available. Be ready and willing as He calls us to love "the least of these..."
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