Painting pumpkins has been a tradition in our house for many years now. It is so easy for these little ones to create their own art, and then be able to see them all month long.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Painting pumpkins has been a tradition in our house for many years now. It is so easy for these little ones to create their own art, and then be able to see them all month long.
Hayride fun
We recently had a field trip day at the MAIZE. This place is a working farm that offers hayrides, educational talks, a huge maize, petting zoo, refreshments, and of course a pumpkin patch. The hayrides were the "hit" for the day.
They loved watching the red tractor work.
This one is my favorite pictures of the day.
And mommy did too!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Catching up
...on pictures from September and October. Best do this before we say hello to November. Can't believe how fast October went. My favorite month of the year!

She got a horse stamp collection, an Appaloosa horse toy, animal farm shapes with holes and strings to sew with; along with a window gel Birthday Cake decoration from her Auntie; then a card and gift from Grandma & Grandpa. We also played "Pin the tail on the donkey (horse)".
All in all a very good day. I don't think I've ever heard my daughter talk and chat that much! She was very excited.
Here are some pictures of our little girl turning 3 years old:
Look at me - I'm 3!
Our little girl LOVES horses.
So deciding on the theme for her party was not too difficult.
So deciding on the theme for her party was not too difficult.
Keeps children up until midnight going potty.
We think it had to do with the frosting and Red Dye #40.
We think it had to do with the frosting and Red Dye #40.
She got a horse stamp collection, an Appaloosa horse toy, animal farm shapes with holes and strings to sew with; along with a window gel Birthday Cake decoration from her Auntie; then a card and gift from Grandma & Grandpa. We also played "Pin the tail on the donkey (horse)".
All in all a very good day. I don't think I've ever heard my daughter talk and chat that much! She was very excited.
Precious Treasures

In an earthly mine (the type you dig) men are looking for (usually) one precious thing. In the mine of God there are all kinds of precious treasures. Each on is the mother lode with veins running in every direction and leading to other mother loads; rich each one beyond all the others.
Nobody digs in the mind of God without effort, so those who do not dig never know what they are missing.
It is dark in the mine, for (Pr 1:6) the words of the wise are full of dark sayings, but the owner supplies light to those who are earnest, the light coming mysteriously with effort.
Those who come must spend a lot of time searching for they know not what, for the treasures of God are fully of mystery; but once found they know what they have found and rejoice as those who have (Ps119:162) found great spoil. And the value increases as they have not yet found.
Moreover, they take it away from the mine in their hearts only to find that others have also found it before them; and they took it away, yet it was still there, put there to be found by (James 2:5) the poor of this world rich in faith. Then mysteriously they discover that they give it to others with the greatest diligence and effort, they cannot get rid of it all. The harder they try to get rid of it the richer they become. Each vain just keeps getting wider and richer.
Treasure Found
Well I'm back from the retreat!
It was an enjoyable time of being with other women who had like minds of loving their Lord, husbands, and families. It was a short trip with about 28 hours teaching, talking, eating good food, quick trail walks, and sleep (actually not that much). The schedule for the retreat was different then typical ones, as it wasn't all about "personal enjoyment", but more about an intense time of learning and encouragement. Making the most of our moments together. There was uncontrollable laughter and the shedding of tears. Good stuff.
I had been thinking that I couldn't remember when was the last time I had sat for so long. My only concerns were of taking care of myself, eating (no cooking, or coaxing little ones to eat, or cleanup!), having conversations with other women with little to no interruptions, and then simply focusing on the teaching times. It was an odd feeling for me as the day before, I hadn't "rested" the entire day while I was running around preparing for this trip. My mind was definitely going in different directions. So I was thankful for this different state of mind and being.
But truly, what was most impressed on my heart was how the Lord provided exactly what I had needed. As I shared in the previous post, I was simply looking for a rainbow in my heart again. Not only did I receive a rainbow, but a treasure. Not just one treasure, but many! He gives so much more than we can ever imagine to those that He loves. I am so thankful.
The treasures that He so tenderly gave to me were gems to hold onto even when the rainbows do fade.
Hope to share some more about the teachings we learned and catch up on some pictures soon.
It was an enjoyable time of being with other women who had like minds of loving their Lord, husbands, and families. It was a short trip with about 28 hours teaching, talking, eating good food, quick trail walks, and sleep (actually not that much). The schedule for the retreat was different then typical ones, as it wasn't all about "personal enjoyment", but more about an intense time of learning and encouragement. Making the most of our moments together. There was uncontrollable laughter and the shedding of tears. Good stuff.
I had been thinking that I couldn't remember when was the last time I had sat for so long. My only concerns were of taking care of myself, eating (no cooking, or coaxing little ones to eat, or cleanup!), having conversations with other women with little to no interruptions, and then simply focusing on the teaching times. It was an odd feeling for me as the day before, I hadn't "rested" the entire day while I was running around preparing for this trip. My mind was definitely going in different directions. So I was thankful for this different state of mind and being.
But truly, what was most impressed on my heart was how the Lord provided exactly what I had needed. As I shared in the previous post, I was simply looking for a rainbow in my heart again. Not only did I receive a rainbow, but a treasure. Not just one treasure, but many! He gives so much more than we can ever imagine to those that He loves. I am so thankful.
The treasures that He so tenderly gave to me were gems to hold onto even when the rainbows do fade.
Hope to share some more about the teachings we learned and catch up on some pictures soon.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Looking for a rainbow...
My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the
strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.
Psalm 73:26
strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.
Psalm 73:26
Isn't this verse just beautiful? My heart is heavy today, actually for a few weeks now. It seems like the slightest of offenses from someone wounds my heart. From those who have disappointed me or then being hurt by someone I love. My soul feels empty and there is a battle for truth amongst the discouragement that surrounds it.
I am trying to remember, but struggling to find peace in that the love of God is far greater than any earthly relationships or situations. His love is a secure love. I am so glad that He never changes. I just need to BELIEVE in His promises that I can rest in Him!
This weekend is our "Keepers of the Home" Women's Retreat. God is so good in His perfect timing to provide this special weekend of teaching and encouragement by some wonderful mentors. The theme for this weekend is Marriage and Intimacy, with the titles of each session being: Precious Treasures of the Heart, Mind, and Body. If you would, please pray with me that when I return from this trip that a rainbow will be present in my heart again. I also hope to share with you any special gems that were learned from this weekend.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Caught again
Here we go again...
Sharing each other's colds. Lots of fun!
It started with Daddy being sick last week. I hoped (deluded thinking) that the rest of us would be immune. No such luck.
Out comes the Airborne, Tylenol Cold, Saline Spray for stuffy noses, disinfectant wipes, and other helpful concoctions to help rid ourselves of these colds. Ah yes, not to forget the pile of tissues. We ended up getting a big pack of tissue boxes at Costco, as we had used up every last tissue in the house. Almost had to resort to good old T.P. :)
What's your regiment when cold season arrives at your home?
Sharing each other's colds. Lots of fun!
It started with Daddy being sick last week. I hoped (deluded thinking) that the rest of us would be immune. No such luck.
Out comes the Airborne, Tylenol Cold, Saline Spray for stuffy noses, disinfectant wipes, and other helpful concoctions to help rid ourselves of these colds. Ah yes, not to forget the pile of tissues. We ended up getting a big pack of tissue boxes at Costco, as we had used up every last tissue in the house. Almost had to resort to good old T.P. :)
What's your regiment when cold season arrives at your home?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Being still

"My heart is not proud, O Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forever more" ~Psalms 131
"How trusting is a baby? Not very, some would say babies cry violently as soon as they feel the slightest hunger. It is the weaned child, a little older, who has learned to trust its mother, to fret less and simply ask for food instead of wailing. The profound simplicity of this patience is David's model for how he, and all Israel, should wait on the Lord. The apostle Paul comments similarly, "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation...I can do everything through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:12-13). ~NIV Student Bible
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Study Challenge
Book of James
A. Read through the book of James. (5 min.)
B. Then re-read each verse and record 54 direct commands of how “we” should act. (45 min.)
C. Pray everyday, for one week, over 5 of the commands that you are most struggling with in your life.
D. For further understanding, read through the Book of James using Bible helps and/or a Bible commentary.
A. Read through the book of James. (5 min.)
B. Then re-read each verse and record 54 direct commands of how “we” should act. (45 min.)
C. Pray everyday, for one week, over 5 of the commands that you are most struggling with in your life.
D. For further understanding, read through the Book of James using Bible helps and/or a Bible commentary.
(This devotion was such a blessing to me, that I wanted to be sure to share it with you. My prayer is that it would be a special encouragement to you, as well.)
Monday, October 8, 2007
I recently came by a recipe called "Easy Pizza Dough". The recipe was simple and to the point. That is where I went wrong. You know that saying, "It's too good to be true". Well it was.
Throughout my married life, I have taught myself to cook. I wouldn't say that I'm a beginner by any means nor a chef. I am definitely not put off by trying new recipes, but for some reason just trying yeast in baking has just been one of those things I'm a bit timid to try.
As of late, we've been having pizza nights. Whatever crusts we use have been the store bought types on sale. So when I came by this recipe for easy pizza dough, I then found courage to open the small, shiny package of yeast and take a go at it.
Everything was going smoothly until I started to roll the dough onto floured wax paper. A nice circle was forming, but then when I went to pick it up the dough stuck to the paper. I was having to peeeeel it off. Leaving quite a bit of dough remaining on the paper. Then I tried more flour to help with the stickiness. This time rolling it out on the pizza pan. That didn't work because the dough would sink into the holes of the pan and wouldn't move; and again sticking to that pan.
Tried more flour. By this time the dough was too tough, and probably had too much flour.
Although, I was bummed, my husband showed what a sweet guy he was and told me how it was really okay and that he was proud of me for even attempting this new thing. Doing pizza dough from scratch. He quickly saved the day by running to Nick & Willy's to purchase some cheese pizzas. We then put on our own toppings and had some tasty pizza for the night.
So now I am determined to find a good, FOOL PROOF pizza dough recipe. I know there are some accomplished cooks out there.
Maybe someone would be willing to share their own recipe with a comment on this blog or through an email?
Throughout my married life, I have taught myself to cook. I wouldn't say that I'm a beginner by any means nor a chef. I am definitely not put off by trying new recipes, but for some reason just trying yeast in baking has just been one of those things I'm a bit timid to try.
As of late, we've been having pizza nights. Whatever crusts we use have been the store bought types on sale. So when I came by this recipe for easy pizza dough, I then found courage to open the small, shiny package of yeast and take a go at it.
Everything was going smoothly until I started to roll the dough onto floured wax paper. A nice circle was forming, but then when I went to pick it up the dough stuck to the paper. I was having to peeeeel it off. Leaving quite a bit of dough remaining on the paper. Then I tried more flour to help with the stickiness. This time rolling it out on the pizza pan. That didn't work because the dough would sink into the holes of the pan and wouldn't move; and again sticking to that pan.
Tried more flour. By this time the dough was too tough, and probably had too much flour.
Although, I was bummed, my husband showed what a sweet guy he was and told me how it was really okay and that he was proud of me for even attempting this new thing. Doing pizza dough from scratch. He quickly saved the day by running to Nick & Willy's to purchase some cheese pizzas. We then put on our own toppings and had some tasty pizza for the night.
So now I am determined to find a good, FOOL PROOF pizza dough recipe. I know there are some accomplished cooks out there.
Maybe someone would be willing to share their own recipe with a comment on this blog or through an email?
Birthday Update
O-kay, so isn't my hubby the sweetest guy to have hi-jacked this blog with birthday greetings. I was proud of him for the great job he did, along with clip-art, too!
I had a pleasant day celebrating the event of growing another year older. Wish it was in height, but no it is only in age. I was so very blessed by the thoughtful phone calls, cards, and emails sent my way throughout this last week. Then to top it off with a special dinner at the Olive Garden.
Yes, truly a good Birthday. Sweet memories. Thanks to all of you for sharing the love...
I had a pleasant day celebrating the event of growing another year older. Wish it was in height, but no it is only in age. I was so very blessed by the thoughtful phone calls, cards, and emails sent my way throughout this last week. Then to top it off with a special dinner at the Olive Garden.
Yes, truly a good Birthday. Sweet memories. Thanks to all of you for sharing the love...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Birthday Wishes

Hi Everyone,
This is John, Lisa's Husband, and I have high-jacked my Wife's blog in order to wish Lisa a Happy Birthday. She really is a great Wife and wonderful Mother. I really enjoy her companionship and look forward daily to coming home to her. So please join me in wishing her a hearty Happy Birthday.
I love you Sweetheart.
A good week...
~My home seems to be in order (for the moment).
~No sick kids.
~Hubby is home this week!
~We received a new dishwasher from our landlord.
~Tonight, I am going to a women's social dessert. Looking forward to meeting other women, but also being able to try a few tasty desserts. Not too much. Just enough to put a silly smile on my face. :)
~Then tomorrow, is my Birthday! Hoping to make a rare visit to the Olive Garden. Their bread-sticks are simply to die for.
~The mailman has also been kind to me this week. I received a new cook book, "Taste of Home's" - Quick Cooking Book 2007, a card from my sweet Grandma, and another card from an old friend. I love emails, but truly treasure a handwritten note. The best ones are those "just thinking of you" notes.
~Much to be thankful for; in this moment where life seems a little easier.
Hope your week has been going well.
What have you been up to?
Monday, October 1, 2007
Halibut anyone?
Thanks to my father-in-law's fishing trip to Alaska, we have a nice little stash of Halibut tucked away in our freezer. So far, I have made one yummy dish with these, but I am now looking for some other ideas.
Anyone have a tried and true recipe or some ideas for using Halibut?
Anyone have a tried and true recipe or some ideas for using Halibut?
Best so far...
A flavorful grilled turkey burger seasoned with garlic and other herbs.
4 servings
1 pound lean ground turkey
1/2 small onion, minced
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon basil
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
Add sliced cheese, lettuce, sliced onions, ketchup, mustard, pickles and hamburger buns, for serving.
1. Combine ground turkey with seasonings in a bowl and mix well with hands. Shape into 4 patties, each about 1/2-inch thick. Cover and refrigerate for 2-4 hours or overnight.
2. Grill, covered, on medium-high heat for 6-8 minutes per side or until done. Serve with cheese, buns, lettuce, mayonnaise, ketchup, pickles, sliced onions, etc.
10 minutes + marinade time
12-16 minutes
Very flavorful, along with all the sandwich fixings.
If you haven't already, be sure to check out "Tammy's Recipes". I have found this site enjoyable to look at and very helpful.
Just finished...
I have just finished the devotional journal, "Whispers of Hope", by Beth Moore. It was a 10-week odyssey of prayer. This devotion asked the reader to adopt the P.R.A.I.S.E. format for their prayer time.
The acronym meaning:
~Supplication for self
It seems that through every Beth Moore study I've ever done, my life is eternally changed because of it. It's not necessarily that "she" is changing me, but more from the deep study and reflection of God's Word that "coincidentally" mirrors what I happen to be experiencing in life, or apply to the trials I soon will be coming to. This last study was no different. So thankful!
For now, I will be reading straight from the Bible, for two weeks. I will be studying about the women of the Bible. Not all of them, just the main characters. Already, I have seen that even though they were "Bible Women", they also struggled with sin. They often took situations into their own hands. The women used everything they had fairly or unfairly - and did it skillfully.
The question was raised, "How can I achieve God's Will despite obstacles?"
My honest answer was by being a woman of prayer, being diligent, seeking my husband's leadership, being courageous, and relying on Him!
What's your answer?
And, do you have any devotionals or studies that you have particularly enjoyed?
The acronym meaning:
~Supplication for self
It seems that through every Beth Moore study I've ever done, my life is eternally changed because of it. It's not necessarily that "she" is changing me, but more from the deep study and reflection of God's Word that "coincidentally" mirrors what I happen to be experiencing in life, or apply to the trials I soon will be coming to. This last study was no different. So thankful!
For now, I will be reading straight from the Bible, for two weeks. I will be studying about the women of the Bible. Not all of them, just the main characters. Already, I have seen that even though they were "Bible Women", they also struggled with sin. They often took situations into their own hands. The women used everything they had fairly or unfairly - and did it skillfully.
The question was raised, "How can I achieve God's Will despite obstacles?"
My honest answer was by being a woman of prayer, being diligent, seeking my husband's leadership, being courageous, and relying on Him!
What's your answer?
And, do you have any devotionals or studies that you have particularly enjoyed?
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